If only a way existed to have it all
Arguably the most popular recreational spot in Idaho is the area from Cascade/Donnally/McCall. This popularity is largely due to being it surrounded by lakes, lookouts, rivers, pine trees and trails that turned into cabins, ski resorts, rafting companies and other infrastructure. What is less known is that Council is in this same geographic area. It’s less known because it is hidden on the other side of the mountain range from Cascade.
Being hidden has it’s advantages.
Cascade is accessed via Highway 55. Congestion gets bad during the summer, especially around holidays. The intersection with the Banks/Lowman is especially problematic.
as are road closures around Smith’s Ferry
Even after these pain points get addressed, Highway 55 is in perpetual need for expansion.
Council access is via the less traveled, easier commute of Highway 95. Even on prime camping holidays (Memorial Day, 4th of July, Labor Day), traffic flows at normal posted speeds.
An important comparison exists in the feel of the communities. Cascade/Donnally/McCall area has resort town vibes. Busy streets, cabins in subdivisions, hotels, golf courses, ski resorts, etc.
Council offers a slower pace focus; Empty sidewalks, rural cabins, small cafe’s, hunting and fishing, etc. It is what Idaho used to be and is becoming harder to find. Check out the community calendar for events like Porcupine racing on the 4th of July.
Cascade and McCall offer pretty much any service you can find where you live today.
Council is less developed. Having said that, it does offer a surprising number of services. For example, it has a clinic with a pharmacy, a dentist, a well-stocked grocery store, an auto parts store. For food, it has a pizza shop, Chinese food, a couple of cafe’s and a coffee shop. When you walk down the street, you’ll find almost no foot traffic.
Less Expensive Property
Property in the region around Cascade, Donnally and McCall is some of the most expensive mountain property in Idaho. A quick land search at realtor.com reveals $100,000 / acre is the norm. Prices less than that typically are due to steep slopes or needing expensive excavation and road building. The dream is that will drop someday. The reality is that it’s only going to increase as the Treasure Valley continues to grow.
Property just over the mountain ridge is more affordable due to it being relatively undiscovered, but those days are numbered. The more people who move to Idaho, the more prices on the North side will grow to be similar to those on the South side.
Council ID Home Prices & Home Values | Zillow shows Council home prices up 15.8% in the past 12 months
The Best of Both Worlds
Fall Creek Adventures, which sits on the Council side of the mountain. It is presented at $17,000 / acre, which includes completed excavation and roads. The reality is, you will use Council for most services and…..it’s pretty awesome to discover what you need is available.
However, Fall Creek Adventures also includes 3 access routes to the Cascade side. The numbers shown by Google are driving a car on a dirt road, which obviously is going to be slow. Taking your SXS over the mountain is going to make things more fun and much faster (probably half the time). If you want to drive your car out to dinner or to go shopping or the like, going through New Meadows or using MiddleFork road is going to be your best bets.
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